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go too far
зайти слишком далеко
to do more than is acceptable
I didn’t mind at first but now you’ve gone too far.
ни на что не годный
This book is good for nothing, don’t buy it.
Greek to me
совершенно непонятно
completely unfamiliar, not known
I can’t understand it. It’s Greek to me.
have a big mouth
быть болтуном
to be a person who tells secrets
Mary has a big mouth. Don’ tell her about it.
have a heart of stone
иметь каменное сердце
to be cold and unfriendly
Sally has a heart of stone. She never even smiles.
Hold your horses!
Calm down!
Now, hold your horses, John. Don’ get so mad.
in one’s birthday suit
в чем мать родила
naked, nude
I’ve heard that John sleeps in his birthday suit.
in shape
в хорошей форме
in good health
I was really ill but now I’m quite in shape.
in the middle of nowhere
очень далеко
in a very remote place
We found a very nice place to eat but it’s in the middle of nowhere.
in the same boat
быть в аналогичном положении
in the same situation, heaving the same problem
Tom: I’m broke. Can you lend me twenty dollars?
Bill: Sorry. I am in the same boat.
jump to conclusions
спешить с выводами
to judge or decide something without having all the facts
Now don’t jump into conclusions. Wait until you hear what I have to say.
just what the doctor ordered
в самую точку, именно то, что нужно
exactly what is required
Bob: Would you like something to drink?
Mary: Yes, a cold glass of water would just what the doctor ordered.
kill two birds with one stone
убить двух зайцев одним камнем
to solve two problems with one solution
John learned the words to his part in the play while peeling potatoes. He was killing two birds with one stone.
leave someone in peace
оставить в покое
to stop bothering someone
Can’t you see that you are upsetting her. Leave her in peace.
let alone someone or something
уже не говоря о…
to not even take something into account
Do I have a dollar? I don’t even have a dime, let alone a dollar.
make a living
зарабатывать на жизнь
to earn enough money to live on
I’ll be glad when I find a job and can make a living.
make oneself at home
чувствовать себя как дома
to make one’s self comfortable
Please come in and make yourself at home.
nothing to complain about
не на что пожаловаться
all right
Bob said he was nothing to complain about.
nothing to write home about
ничего особенного, существенного nothing exciting, nothing interesting
Tom: Hi, Bill, how is it going?
Bill: Nothing to write home about.
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